Monday, January 23, 2012

Buy Homemade

I saw this posted by Amy at and had to repost!

For those of you who don't know, my husband went back to school to get his AA in Paralegal Studies.  When he is finished (one more year... yay!) He will be attending Lincoln Law to get his Juris Doctorate degree.  Since he has been a full time student, our family has depended on our little craft business to provide much needed funds.   

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Fuss & Feathers. Buying our items, giving an encouraging word, or praying for our family.  You have been our LIFELINE.  
Thank you, thank you.  We appreciate it so much!!

We are not the only family who depends upon their home business.  Buying homemade/handmade items whenever possible provides many families with the funds they need to SURVIVE.  Please look for these small businesses and buy from them whenever possible.  You can find them on Etsy ( and many other sites online. Google handmade _____(whatever you are looking for).  
From our family and many others like us....Thank you!! 


  1. Here here! Best of luck. I remember well the lean years. My handmade then was all for gifts. We have come a long way. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you so much. I appreciate your reading this blog. =)
