Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dedicated to Disciplines

I have violated Blogger Rule #1.  You know, the one about blogging often and on a regular schedule... Yeah...that one.  I think I just might get kicked out of the "blogger club".  

In my defense, life has been crazy in the past two weeks. I started to list reasons why it is so crazy, but I started to sound whiney and deleted it.   Let's just say that our family has a busier that normal schedule to begin with. Add to that crafting for a coming conference, my husband in school, my son getting ready to graduate from high school, helping good friends move closer, church responsibilities, etc, etc. The list could go on and on.

I've actually hesitated and couldn't decide what to write about.  I'm sure that hearing about my kids taking the CAHSEE is not exciting.  Nor is my opinion on whether children should have to take standardized tests.  I have had some food blogs ready, but no time to type the recipes.

So for now I guess I am just letting you know that we have NOT fallen off the edge of the earth.  We are happy, reasonably healthy, and this week we are just plodding along with a smile.  Being dedicated to the discipline that brings success.  Getting up everyday....working our little fingers off.... spending time as a family... spending time in prayer... and going to bed with a clear conscience.  And that's not bad.

                                  This is us and yes, we really need new family pictures.