Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Blog and Giveaway

The ladies over at just2moms are having a giveaway this week.  Super cute hair clips from Natalia Designs on Etsy.  You can find the giveaway blog  here  and Natalia's Etsy shop here 

Hope you enjoy them both! =)

Black Friday Weekend Sale on Etsy!

In the hustle and bustle = pushing and shoving of the Black Friday madness, remember you can buy lovely home made items for your friends and family online.  Support small businesses (and very talented, incredibly nice people) from the comfort of home and spare your feet and elbows!

Black Friday Weekend Sale through Monday 11/28

Save 25% on everything in our shop!! Use coupon code Holiday25

Saturday, November 19, 2011

~~ A Year Has Gone By ~~

Technically not, but very close.  A lot has changed in the past year and a lot of things have stayed the same.   

I started this blog last November as an outlet to sell our handmade / homemade accessories.  Soon afterward, I decided to open a shop on Etsy and haven't touched this page since.  As a newbie blogger, I was so proud of the background I chose, the way the colors complimented each other and the fact that I was actually able to add pictures of my items.  Looking at those pictures now -- I cringe.  

I've noticed this change in the items I craft as well.  Starting out, I was full of enthusiasm, but very little know how or supplies.  While I have always maintained that my items be as well made and  professional as possible, some of the first items would not make the grade now.  

I guess this should be true in all areas of our lives --this growth.  If not, we become stagnant and irrelevant and if so, what is our personal influence? We have a need to "better" ourselves, to "become" more today than we were yesterday.  

I am still a newbie blogger. I can not promise profound thoughts or daily posts. But I will post thoughts, ideas, new items, etc and with some luck, they will be at least mildly entertaining. 

I hope it will be a testimony of growth. Growth as a crafter and business owner, but as a person as well.  Another year will tell.